Higher Education

Higher Education

Disruptive change and the impact of MOOCs on higher education is still top of mind for me. LinkedIn Group discussions, opinion pieces in the Chronicle of Higher Education, Insider Higher Education and industry blogs passionately focus on this topic.  As online and hybrid teaching and learning models expand across the higher education ecosystem, the alternatives are either to make change or to be changed.  William G. Bowen writes in The Chronicle  that three barriers stand in the way of online education to be truly transformational. In a nutshell, these are:

    • Lack of consistent research that offers evidence of improved or equal learning outcomes in online education delivery modes and evidence of cost savings;
    • Lack of teaching and learning platforms that are customizable, scalable, shareable and cost effective; and
    • The need for a fresh institutional leadership mindset and approach to decision making with the goal of innovating teaching and learning.

Bowen’s article illustrates the need to take a measured and thoughtful approach to apply new teaching and learning models.  And, importantly, retain aspects of the academic experience that cannot be quantified and assessed.

In my previous blog post, I posed questions about student services and incentives for reinventing pedagogy for next generation learning models.

Conversation Starter:

What aspects of the teaching and learning experience are worth preserving as delivery and engagement modes shift?

Are you interested in having a conversation about how innovation in teaching and learning models influence the student experience? Contact me at dianna@sadlouskos.com.